Reality Cracking: The Penultimate Truth about Philip K. Dick

Montag! Na, dann erschüttern wir mal die Weltbilder. Die 2007 produzierte Doku "The Penultimate Truth about Philip K. Dick" wirft einen genauen Blick auf die "Erweckungserlebnisse" des SF-Autors, die er in seinen autobiografischen Romanen der VALIS -Trilogie verarbeitet hat. In neun Teilen auf YouTube (Rest beim Weiterlesen ).

Und ein Flavour-Zitat aus VALIS zum Abrunden:

"I've always told people that for each person there is a sentence -- a series of words -- which has the power to destroy him. When Fat told me about Leon Stone I realized (this came years after the first realization) that another sentence exists, another series of words, which will heal the person. If you're lucky you will get the second; but you can be certain of getting the first; that is the way it works. On their own, without training, individuals know how to deal out the lethal sentence, but training is required to deal out the second."

Ähnlicher Mindfuck, empfehlenswert: "The Mindscape of Alan Moore" , inzwischen nur mehr gestückelt online hier ..