andernorts vs. 21st century masters: Umida Akhmedova
Usbekistan, Land des Fortschritts, des Glamours und der Pracht! Wohlgenährte stylische kerngesunde Menschen in auf Hochglanz polierten Luxusschlitten überall! Pure Verleumdung, was die Fotografin Umida Akhmedova so in ihrem Heimatland alles angeblich echt gesehen und fotografiert haben will.
Gefunden auf English Russia : "In the end of 2009 the Uzbekistan Agency on Press and Information has initiated a criminal proceeding against atalented documentarian photographer and the first camerawoman in the country - Umida Akhmedova.
She was charged with the “slander and outrage against the Uzbek
people” in her photos. She is threatened to be sentenced to 2-3 years
of correctional works or to 6 months imprisonment. Enjoy some of Umida’s professional “illegal” shots.""
Sauber, Usbekistan, sauber.
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